Thursday 14 April 2011

Final Version of Magazine




(click images to enlarge)

Evaluation: 7) Looking Back at your Preliminary Task, what do you Feel you have Learnt in the Progression from it to your Full Product?

Looking back my preliminary task I feel I have vastly improved many skills. 
Firstly, I researched further into music magazine than school magazines. This gave me a better idea of how to make my final product as authentic as possible.
Whilst planning the production of my magazine I took much more into account and consider the codes and conventions of music magazines in much more depth.
This led me to produce better photos that were more suitable for the magazine. I spent longer consider the most appropriate features of mise-en-scene to incorporate, this included the urban setting and clothes worn by the models. 
I then spent longer editing the photos using a wide variety of tools in iPhoto and photoshop, I did not spent as long on this stage of the production when creating my student magazine. 
As well as this the textual content was much more genre specific and relevant to the magazine and magazine content in my music magazine project as I spent longer considering and researching what my target audience would be interested in. 
My photoshop skills also progressed, I used a wider variety of skills whilst producing 'SWAG' which enable be to produce a much more realistic result. 
Throughout the whole production of my music magazine I displayed my work on this blog using various different tools and programmes such as blog format, Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, Photoshop (reader profile), Garage Band, iMovie and through converting word documents to jpegs. This helped me develop and build upon an array of skills. 

What have you Learnt about Technologies from the Process of Constructing this Product?

Saturday 9 April 2011

Evaluation: 5)How did you Attract/Address your Audience?

I have attracted and addressed my audience through creating a vibrant, youthful magazine that would appeal to young consumers. I included artists that my artists would be familiar to and most likely listen to regularly. I also included features that my audience would be interested in, such as 'Life is Tweet/'Tweets, Rhymes and Life' (a play on words of 'Beats, Rhymes and Life') as my target demographic would be frequent users of social networks, particularly twitter. I have also attracted my audience by making my main articles about two artists signed to Young Money, a record label which signs some of my target demographic's favourite artists that my audience would definitely be familiar with.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Evaluating my Media Product

Having produced a front cover, contents page and double page spread for 'SWAG' magazine I am not going evaluate and reflect upon the creative process and experience of this project. My evaluation will be guided by a series of questions.

Textual Analysis


  • SWAG in top right corner - brand identity
  • continued colour scheme
  • genre specific language 
  • title in larger font to attract readers' attention

  • - brand identity 
  • SWAG in bottom right corner - brand identity 
  • genre specific language
  • title in a larger font against a black background - attracts readers' attention 
  • article in columns - conventional format
  • genre specific language 
  • Q&A style interview - more personal 
  • quote in a large red and white font - attracts readers' attention 
  • page number in bottom right corner - for readers' ease 

Friday 21 January 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Spread

Finally I inserted the text; a 'Q&A' style article. I continued the spread's colour scheme using black and red font.
I also inserted the page number and the brand name.