Saturday 27 November 2010

Unedited Photographs for Music Magazine

These are my original, unedited versions of my photographs for my music magazine. I will not be using these photos as they are not striking enough and would not stand out in a magazine. I will improve these photos by editing them on iPhoto.

The model is not standing up straight which makes the photograph look wonky, I will straighten the image fix this. I will also increase the contrast and exposure to create a bolder photo.

I would crop this photo so that the model is in the centre of the frame as he is the main focus of the image. I will also increase the contrast and exposure like I did in the previous photo to make the photo more striking. As well as this I will 'boost' the colour for a similar effect. 

I will crop this image so that the model is further towards the right hand side of the frame and straighten it as the photograph is at a slight angle. Again, I will 'boost' the colour, increase the contrast and increase the exposure of the image.

I do not like the writing above the main section of graffiti so I will crop this photograph to remove this section of the image. I will also straighten the image as the model looks like he is standing at an angle. I will also 'boost' the colour and increase the contrast and the exposure of the photo. 

I am  happy with the scale and layout of this photo so I will not crop or straighten it. However I will still need to increase the contrast and exposure of the image and 'boost' the colours to make it more striking.

Again, I am happy with the scale and layout of this photo so I will not need to edit this image by cropping or straightening it. I will also increase the contrast and exposure of the image. I will not 'boost' the colours of this photo.

I would like the models to be in the centre of the image so I will crop my photo, I will then straighten it.  will also make the photo more striking by adjusting the contrast and exposure of the photograph. As well as this I will use the 'boost' colour tool on iPhoto. 

I will 'boost' the colour of this photo and increase the contrast and exposure of the image. 

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